Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Street Gangs, Skin Heads, Gothic Rockers, Bat- Cavers, Satanists, and Gay Circles are just some of the groups that many teens affiliate with. While some of these groups are violent, some are also passive. Out of all groups, Street Gangs are the most notorious and the most admired by young people. Gangster Rap is the most popular type of music that crosses into so many different teen groupings, not all Rappers have a bad influence on kids but Gangster Rap is the most popular and the one to watch out for. Blatant sexual overtones are very raunchy and demeaning to females however female Rappers simply return back the same evil to the male gender. Murder, Drugs, Money, Power and Sex are some of the heavy- handed messages that are preached to and programmed into our youth by these evangelists of darkness. It’s sad but true that the reason for some of Raps popularity is that the words mirror what kids are feeling and going through today.
Most young people fantasize about being someone powerful, in my day it was 007 James Bond or Batman or Clint Eastwood, but Gangsters are the folk heroes of their times, tough guys that don’t “take it from nobody,” intimidating people just by looking at them. Gangsters were the first to coin the phrase “Wanna -Be” kids that weren’t tough enough to be taken seriously. But I have learned that if you wanna-be long enough, you will be. Rap Music brings cohesiveness amongst youth it is the solidifying factor that brings conformity, at the shelter I work at I have observed that soon as the boom-box starts playing Rap no matter what groups kids are affiliated with they all start rapping together and as long as the music is playing everybody gets along.
Some kids act like Gangsters because their having an identity crisis, not sure where they fit in and so they play a roll that is meant to throw other kids and even their own parents off track. Teens who join intense groups such as White Power groups i.e. Skin Heads, Neo-Nazis and the White Supremacy attach themselves to a form of Religion that uses the Holy Bible as their foundation but having no intrinsic power, this is what I like to call “Twisted Inverted Scripture” following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler who claimed to be a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest. Moreover, history proves that they view any race that is not white as not only inferior but also a target for torture and even murder.
Gothic Rockers are in comparison to street gangs, a recently new order of teenage cultism, they listen to dark lonely and depressing music, and tread on the edge of Satanism, like the underground Group the “Bat Cavers” who prefer to dress in all black and wear black makeup and nail polish and for those who can afford it, pay a dentist to implant fangs in their mouths they share a camaraderie of feasting on gloominess. One of their favorite rockers is Marilyn Manson, who is associated with the founder of modern-day Satanism Anton La`vey and his order the Organized Church of Satan in San Francisco. It is rumored that before Anton’s death that he imparted and passed down his Satanic anointing to Marilyn by the laying on of hands and performing a special black mass, enabling Marilyn to carry on and continue to spared the gospel of darkness with power via his music. Modern day Satanism defines their movement based on pleasure most of it sexual, inspired by Alistair Crawly the self-proclaimed Great Beast of the book of Revelation 666 and the meanest man on earth, whose gospel was; do what ever thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, no matter what it is. The Satanist group says that they do not believe in Satan as an actual entity they worship, they worship the concept. “Yeah What Ever”.
Concerning teen gay circles my purpose is not to attack or bash teens that chose their own sexual “orientation,” but to address a very indisputable reality that many parents who are in disagreement with or humiliated by are in denial of this modern day observable fact that has penetrated their home life. Yes, there have been homosexuals’ almost since the beginning of time, as we know it. And we’ve probably heard most of the controversy from both sides. Some saying that they were born this way and it’s in their DNA or it is the result of child sexual abuse. Homosexuals have their own Non-Denominational Churches as well and greet and welcome anyone gay or strait who wants to inter in. The strait people argue that an Exit is not an Entrance and so forth. The ridicule and mockery at school isolates them from most teen groups accept maybe the Goths, thousands have been kicked out of the house by their parents who couldn’t accept them where they were at.
During my days working on the streets of Seattle Washington I met and befriended many of these teens. They didn’t try to get me to come to their side nor did I try to get them to come to mine. With any of the groups I carefully considered how would Jesus relate to them and as with all people groups he told them the truth and gave them a choice to follow him or not. Furthermore, there is no question in my heart at all that Jesus would show the same love to one group as another. The book of Acts 10:34 tells us that God is “no respecter of persons” meaning that he loves all people and treats them the same.
A few gays gave their life to Jesus while I worked the streets and without any prompting from me, chose to turn away from homosexuality of their own volition. When I lead someone to the Lord I don’t tell them what they have to repent form, I simply let them know whatever they know in their heart of hearts needs to change then turn away from it.
By the way some readers may not know what the word repentance means, to repent means to do an about face or a 360 and start heading the opposite direction they have been traveling in.Homosexual’s have chosen the word “Gay” as their persona, but it has always seemed to me that they are anything but gay (happy)as a matter of fact I’ve noticed that there is a real longing for acceptance and not finding it except within their own circle leaves them quite lonely, at least that is my observation.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Throw away generaton

Having said that, I would like to share with you My book "The Throw Away Generation" it can be printed out for free on line and if you would like to have the book in your personal library at home, the price will be affordable in the near future once published. I'm fine at expressing my thoughts, editing is not one of my strengths I feel this is a timely word so I'm going to share this work as it is.

Table of contents

Part 1: Where do I fit in?
Part 2: Teen counter cultures
Part 3: Seeds of violence/crimes against youth
Part 4: Flesh & Blood
Part 5: Teen violence
Part 6: Violent teens’ personal experience
Part 7: Gangs
Part 8: School shootings
Part 8: Pedophiles
Part 9: Teen sex offenders
Part 10: Teens’ & sexuality
Part 11: Teen suicide/saving lives
Part 12: The bottom line
Part 13: Cutters/self mutilation
Part 14: Teens and drugs

The intention of this book is both to educate as well as provide answers to questions in regards to "youth at risk." When I first began to write this book my aim was to assemble a secularized work being that I am at this time working in a secularized job, however I discovered that by excluding a biblical foundation that this book would be a work of irrelevant matter that would be a waste of your time and your dime. Thousands of secularized books line the dusty shelves of libraries nation wide. So this is an attempt to provide a guide that will not join all those other Jurassic dust collectors.
The development of this work took its own course so it would seem and may prove helpful to a plethora of people including parents, youth pastors, and even troubled teens themselves by presenting critical facts and life saving information. If this book were a movie I’d give it an “R” rating "R" for Realism. I have always been the guy who shoots strait from the hip. I don’t mix words and I present subjects the way I see them. And I tell them the way that I heard them, so I haven’t edited all of the offensive language.

Throughout this book whenever I use the term the “Bible is silent on a subject” it is my personal opinion that if the Bible is silent then I refuse to speak out against a subject and build a doctrine against it sewing random scriptures together by taking verses out of context.
Over the years my heart has broken for the youth of America watching them by the thousands fill the streets of the inner cities nation wide these are for the most part, not the kids who are just being rebels and telling their parents where they can to stick their rules. Everyday, teenagers run away because they do not feel safe at home. However some will jump from the frying pan and into the fire as many will be brutally raped and murdered and become statistics of the vanishing, never to be heard from again. I want you to know God is really into recycling what others think is irreparable like the family unit; He is the difference to the irreconcilable difference.
First-off I want to acknowledge the one who died to make this book possible, the Lord Jesus Christ, secondly my wonderful wife Lynne who not only stood by me through thick and thin but who also spent nearly twenty years working in the Danger Zone with me, the Lord has used her tremendously to help others and to help me as well. We have had many adventures together as well as battles fighting side by side, she has for me been a shining example of courage and generosity, the most giving person that I have ever known.
Also I acknowledge pastor Roy Roberts who believed in me and my calling when nobody else did, who in the early years of ministry taught me about kindness and what it meant to be a servant to others by his example. I followed him as he followed Christ and Roy gave me the opportunity to team up side by side as companions and friends, we have weathered ups and downs and good and bad and still remain friends.
Thanks Jesus, Lynne and Roy, I will always be grateful too you for giving me Quality of Life.
I am dedicating this book to Pastor/Evangelist David Wilkerson, author of the Cross-and the Switchblade and founder of Teen Challenge, and Pastor of the Times Square Church in New York City.
In my teens during the late 60’s, both his book and my opportunities to be an alter worker leading “youth at Risk” to Jesus during his Bay Area Crusades. Has forever changed my life. I can remember, the Oakland auditorium with standing room only and David walking out onto the stage, sitting casually on a stool at the edge of the platform. Speaking not preaching, for only a matter of minutes, giving answers to frantic parents and sharing the truth with youth about their lives, then giving an alter call and hundreds would run to the stage throwing contraband at David’s feet while giving their lives to God.
I remember watching this powerful move of God and trembling and crying as I watched others being sat free from the strangle hold of all types of addictions. The desire of my heart was to have the same kind of impact on parents and youth, it has been a hard-row to hoe. it been very costly and painful and it's taken 30 years to arrive at my destination. However, Jesus has answered my prayers. Over these many years I have been privileged to work with Jesus and see broken families reconciled. I am finely writing my first book after 40 years on one of the most critical and prolific subjects of the Day. My prayer is that both youth and parents alike will find answers and reconciliation. I believe is at the very center of God’s heart, thank you David Wilkerson for allowing Jesus to move through your life, I love you my brother.

Chapter 1
A question that haunts the majority of youth in their quest for individuality, a new and present danger is now on the scene. It is called My Space. Kids are looking for acceptance it is somewhat terrifying for some parents to discover that their little girl is displaying her measurement's and searching for approval in a stranger. In addition, unfortunately for some parents it is too late, as kids set up a meeting with a stranger who turns out to be an adult and their child is never seen alive again.
Kids fantasizing and creating for him or herself an identity of who or what they would like to be. Wanting to sound grownup and sophisticated “Their Space” is full of lies and personal data that is just what a sexual predator is looking for. No longer do milk cartons display a photo of a missing child there is not enough milk cartons in the world to represent all of them. And children go missing every second throughout the nation. Generally sexual assault is the main reason that America’s children go missing; regrettably murder in many cases will be the end result. Death is no respecter of persons it will find us no matter where we go, but why make it easier by placing oneself in warms way.
Back in the Day, I can still remember when parents would not allow their daughters to have their ears pierced until they were 16 or 17, and now days they are allowed to have as many piercing as they like where ever they’d like while they are still just children. Many parents have no idea why girls get their tongues pierced, they may think that it is just a fad, and to some girls it may be, but the real reason is to increase the male’s stimulation and pleasure during oral sex.
Therefore, while kids are busy creating their individuality the "My Space "predators are waiting in the shadows and looking for promiscuous signs. My personal opinion is that piercing is a form of self-mutilation, and self-mutilation is fast becoming a phenomenon among kids today; there are numerous reasons for this. To name just a few, several of the kids that I have worked with over the last ten years have surface etchings they have made with pencil erasers or paper clips to very severe deep wounds made by knifes or putting out cigarettes on their arms. All of these signs should be taken seriously when noticed.
Often times people will say “oh, their just looking for attention”, and I agree but why is the youth harming themselves, what kind of attention are they lacking in their life? As our kids are seeking their individuality, they are really living in conformity or in other words “following the crowd syndrum” all the while thinking that they are creating their own identity.
Most kids will never know what it is like for their parents to show them unconditional love so they look for acceptance with a peer group, which usually ends in disaster, the blind leading the blind so to speak.
Hollywood Babylon and Gangster Rappers have glorified violence and a lifestyle of drugs and illicit sex, but I have not read as of yet about school shootings being gang related. Many of the shooters that fire on teachers and fellow students are kids who live life ostracized and isolated from their peers because they do not “fit in” and out of anger and frustration pull out the “big guns” taking themselves out and others down with them. Its suicide and murder combined.

Chapter two coming soon, and if you go to my utube web site I will be reading from my book and sharing things that are not in the book as well.